From Dr. Lawrence’s Desk
Dear Friend,
I am sure you are painfully aware of how far our society has morally decayed in these last days. The rate of sin is exponentially growing at an unprecedented rate in America. However, this is not new in the history of the world. There have been several occasions of rampant immorality that grew and dominated society, but this was always met with Divine, swift, and severe judgment from God. Today is no different. We are on the fast track toward the judgment of Revelation.
Now as much as ever, we need your help to remove the primary stumbling block that hinders people from even considering God and His Word. And that is the doctrine of evolution and its accompanied old Earth paradigm. We know that Satan’s mode of operation is to divide and conquer. Satan did this with Eve, he said, “Indeed has God said.” This is an attempt to separate Eve from the Word of God, to question God’s Word. And with Jesus, after the Father said, “This is my Son in whom I am well pleased,” Satan then said, “If you are the Son of God.” You see, again casting doubt on the Word of God, which is an attempt to separate from the Word of God. And with us today, there is no better place to start in Satan’s attempt to separate us from the Word of God than “In the beginning.” When demons get someone away from the Genesis creation account, those people are easy prey to pick off and tempt. And those people who are separated from accepting creation are less likely to read the Bible because who wants to read a book, written by man that is riddled with error. And those who are separated from accepting creation are less likely to share the Gospel because who wants to say to an Atheist, “believe in my all powerful God, though He wrote errors in the Genesis creation account.” Thus, it renders those who are separated from accepting the Genesis creation account as catatonic in this war for truth.
I am dedicated to reaching everyone I can with the science and Scripture of creation and the Flood. To then share the Gospel with them once these stumbling blocks are removed. This war is so important that Satan and his minions start early indoctrinating children into the myths of evolution, and Satan bombards them daily with the preaching of evolution and the old universe through print and TV. Please help by giving us your financial support. When you support this ministry, you become an agent of grace and a minister of truth in a way that touches the hearts of others eternally.
Thank you for linking arms with us in this war for the beginning as you are able and as the Lord leads. May God be glorified as we live for Him and serve Him.
Dr. Troy Lawrence