Does Isaiah 40:22 Say The Earth Is A Ball?

This discussion centers around the words “circle” versus “ball,” and does Isaiah 40:22 say the earth is a ball?

It is He who sits above the circle of the earth.

Technically speaking, Isaiah 40:22 does not use the word “ball,” it has the word “circle.” The Hebrew word for circle is “chug,” Strong’s Concordance #2329. It is not that Isaiah did not know of the word “ball” because he used it in Isaiah 22:18, Strong’s Concordance # 1754, “dur,” and it means a ball, turn, or round about.

But there is a more important reason that the Holy Spirit compelled Isaiah to use “circle” in Isaiah 40:22 and not “ball,” and as usual this demonstrates the divine nature of the Bible.

The verse in Isaiah 40:22 is from the perspective of space, from the view of distant space looking at the earth because the vantage point is from the perspective of God’s viewing. From the distant view of space, all spherical celestial bodies lose their three dimensional characteristics and appear as two dimensional circles. But here is the amazing aspect, no matter from what angle one views the earth from distant space it will always appear as a circle.

This is the amazing writing of the Holy Spirit establishing that the earth was indeed spherical in nature, but accurately describing the perspective of earth from space.

This verse seems to capture a literal view of Earth from space rather than the deductive view of an all-knowing God merely saying, “I know it is a ball because I know.” But rather a personal God saying, “when you are able to view Earth as I am literally able to view earth, then you will see exactly as I see, a distant celestial body that appears as a two dimensional circle no matter the angle.”

And for this reason, it seems more appropriate for Isaiah to have written, “the circle of the earth,” versus “the ball of the earth.”

Isaiah 40:22, earth is a ball, circle of the earth
Image credit: NASA

2 thoughts on “Does Isaiah 40:22 Say The Earth Is A Ball?”

  1. what a ridiculous argument, the earth is NOT A SPINNING BALL and anybody who believes it is is being robbed by luciferian science so-called, thete are more than 100 Scriptures yhat support a flat, stationary non-moving earth with a dome above us, and your fake nasa picture only shows how deep the deception runs across Gods House, lucifer is having a ball! literally

    1. Isaiah 40:22 as “God looks upon the circle of the earth” links that from any view of earth from space, a spherical-like earth will appear as a circle. This can only be with a ball. Look at the shadows of earth on the moon, do you see a line or circle? This proves a flat earth belief is false.
      All the verses referring to the earth being established or fixed, is to say that nothing can undo God’s creation. Only God can make a new heaven and new earth. Look at the phases of Venus, it proves that Venus orbits the sun, not earth. There are thousands of videos from space looking down upon the earth. Space-X has many proofs of a spherical-like earth. Not flat. And nothing in the universe is stationary. Everything is moving from it complete structure as a whole all the way down to the electrons. Nothing is stationary.

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