What is the Age of a Spiral Galaxy?

NASA has captured new images of another spiral galaxy, and like the others images, the assertion of billions of years is forced into the finding. But what is the age of a spiral galaxy? The image NASA captured does not tell them that the age of the spiral galaxy is billions of years old, their belief system tells them the age of the spiral galaxy is billions of years old. But use your own common sense that God gave you.

age of a spiral galaxy Credit Image: NASA: A drawing of what the spiral galaxy may look like.

Ask yourself this question, “With a galaxy spinning, how many spiral rings should one see with each complete rotation?”

The answer is that with each complete rotation there would be one complete ring around the central disc. And for every complete rotation of a spiral galaxy there will be a subsequent ring added around the central disc. Look at a hurricane as an example, the only difference, for this comparison, is that the hurricane is surrounded by gas clouds that evaporate to nothing, whereas a spiral galaxy has actual celestial bodies with solid matter that does not evaporate into nothing. What I mean by that is that the spiral appendages of a spiral galaxy are made up of billions of solar systems like ours, and those planets, moons, and stars do not evaporate with each rotation. Therefore, each rotation would leave a ring or a trial of celestial bodies as a remnant showing each spin of the spiral galaxy. Look at this video of a hurricane and observe that each rotation leaves a trail, but imagine that that trail remains because instead of it being H2O gas, it is actually a planet, moon, or star with solid and frozen matter:

The point being is that since the spiral galaxy, that NASA imaged and subsequently drew, has a half of one appendage illustrates that it has not completed one rotation. And that means the age of spiral galaxies is young. All of the spiral galaxies are lacking the necessary multiple rings to establish more than one rotation, and they are missing a full spiral to suggest that the galaxy made one complete rotation. The lack of a complete circular appendage to the spiral galaxy is evidence that there was not one complete rotation and therefore, young.

We should observe spiral galaxies appearing with multiple and many swirls around the central portion to illustrate an old existence. It should appear similar to the swirls in water:

age of a spiral galaxy

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