Homo naledi

Homo naledi

“The latest alleged transitional fossil is the discovery of Homo naledi in a South African cave. By now you should know that every creature in the fossil record is of a creature that was once larger and had to adapt to environmental changes resulting from the Flood. The Flood formed the oceans, which limits vegetation, which decreased O2 concentration, and the Flood decreased the buoyant force, which increased gravity, and all life lived shorter life spans and became smaller over time. And this includes humans. Therefore, Homo naledi is a larger fossil of a smaller primate today, and not a smaller transitional fossil of the much larger human. Unfortunately, every evolutionists is blocked from accepting the logic because of their preconceived ideology that the Bible is wrong and we came from the created, rather than the Creator.
Homo naledi
The cranial volume of Homo naledi (~500 cc = Cubic Centimeter) is close to the cranial capacity of the Bonobo (350 cc) and chimpanzee (400 cc) primates, but only ~40% of the cranial volume of humans (~1260 cc in men and 1130 cc in women). Since we know that life had to adapt to a reduction of O2 concentration in the atmosphere resulting from the Flood’s formation of the oceans, then the best interpretation of “Transitional” skull fossils is that they are transitional from the larger primates in the fossil record to a smaller primate today, and not a transitional fossil to the larger human kind.”

Page 189, Origins, The Origin of Matter, Space, Time, and Life.


Evolution is a myth at best (2 Timothy 4:3-4), and a doctrine of demons at worst (1 Timothy 4:1). Either way, do not fall for their pseudo-science that is only an opinion by evolutionary scientists. If you fall for their false doctrine, you will most likely give up on God, be very weak spiritually, or lead others astray. Do not think that you can take the fire of evolution into your bosom and not be burned.